Basic DATA for Calculation
Total weight of table & work W = kgf
Total mass of table & work m = kg
Table External Diameter D0 = cm
Table Inner Diameter D1 = cm
Table Turning(Rotation) Angle Θ = ˚
Positioning Time t0 = sec
Time of Acc/Dec t1 = sec
Gravitational acceleration g = m/sec2
External Force FE = kgf
External Force Action Angle a = ˚
Radius to point of application of external force rE = cm
Gear Ratio R =
Without Gearbox R=1
Gear Efficiency ηR = 90%
(without Gearbox ηR=1)
Safety Factor S =
Bearing Coefficient of Friction μ =
If you enter values in the yellow fields, the rest of the values are calculated automatically.

Refresh Calculate

Operation Speed and Acceleration Calculation
Index Table Rotaion Angular Velocity ωT = (Θ × π / 180) / (t0-t1) = rad/sec
Index Table Rotaion Velocity ωT = {(Θ / 360) / (t0-t1) } × 60 = rpm
Operation Motor Revolution Angular Velocity ωM = ωT × R = rad/sec
Operation Motor Rotaion Velocity = ωM = (ωT × R) / 2π × 60 = rpm
Operating Motor Resolution Angular Acceleration = = ωM = = rad/sec2
Motor Selection
Just consider Rotor's Inertia Moment as J0 = 0,
Motor Operation Torque TM = so, from FASTEH Motor Torque curves
Operating motor revolution velocity ωM = rpm at
Operating Torque is TM = Select motor offers over N.m from curves

See Torque Curves of Selected Motor

Verify validation of selected motor
From selected motor spec, need to file out inertia moment J0
J0 = gcm² = kgcm² = kgm²
Motor's operating Torque re-calculation with consideration of motor inertia moment
T = N·m
[ Verify validation of selected motor ]
From selected motor's torque curve
Selected motor's revolution velocity ωM = rpm at
Selected motor's torque is T = is over : OK.
Selected motor's torque is T = is less than : NG.
Repeat Motor selection and Verify Validation width increasing motor's length or size

Refresh Calculate

Check Load’s Intertia Moment Ratio K
K =   JL =   =
J0 × R² × ²
If Load's intertia moment ratio is less than 30, result is OK.
Can operate but motor's inappropriate opation (vibrating at Acc/Dec) can be happened So, please input enough Acc/Dec and need to decrease operation speed If you can't control Acc/Dec and need to decrease operation speed, please increase one level of motor's length or size, We would like to recommend to choose bigger motor has higher inertia moment.
In case of using reducer, even selected motor's operation torque is enough but load inertia moment ratio "K" is not satisfied, We would like to recomment to choose incrased ration of reducer.