Q & A

Q & A Page
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Telephone -lycee st etienne

I am a teacher in electronics, electrical engineering, mechanical and electrical engineering physics BTS, and I am writing to get as far as possible, samples of your products.

They serve to illustrate my classes and will be presented to students to educate the assembly of industrial products.

At first, I want to plan a manipulation on 6 hours, where students will get to make mechanical calculations ( torque, speed, ...) and will set the command to perform a position control on a linear guide.
Programming your control module therefore particularly appeals to me the educational point of view.

The second objective is to show the influence of pid regulator.

In the second time I plan to make a comparison motoristion (DC motor, steping motor, motor piezo, ...) and guide (screw, belt , ...)

Following a live search on industry , I found some answers .
I am pleased to ask you the same samples used :
- Linear Module
- Rotary unit
with motor and his control module.

In the event that my students would use your equipment, I pledge to bring up the name of your company on the system.

Hoping that my application will be considered , I took you to receive my highest regards.

Lycée St Etienne
99 rue de la Chalotais
35512 Cesson Sevigne
Files 33 299839740
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